We’re delivering the Refugee Employability Programme (REP) across the East of England
Get Set UK are delivering the new Refugee Employment Programme (REP) across the East of England.
Through this new programme, funded by the Home Office, Get Set UK are providing vital support to help refugees find work and settle in their local community. Talk to us today about our REP support services.
We believe everyone arriving in this country through safe and legal routes, should be supported to integrate fully and to become self-sufficient, so they can provide for themselves and their families and contribute to life in the UK.

I am refugee looking for employment support
I am a business looking to hire skilled refugees
I am a referral partner looking to place refugees into employment
Who is eligible for REP Support?

Those who are economically active but not employed

Those in need of additional support that is not provided by mainstream DWP programmes

Refugees under UKRS, ACRS, ARAP, Community Sponsorship Scheme, Mandate Resettlement Scheme

Those granted Refugee Permission to Stay, or arrived under Refugee Family Reunion, with Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) or Leave to Remain with a pathway to settlement
I am a refugee looking for employment support
The Refugee Employment Programme (REP) is designed to support you in gaining suitable employment.
Once accepted onto the programme, you will be allocated a Case Manager to assess your needs and work with you to develop a tailored plan to improve your employability, support community integration or access further ESOL training.
While enrolled onto the programme you will be guided through a support package based around your individual needs. This may include CV writing support, interview practice, access to employment-specific language courses and work experience opportunities. We can also signpost you to mainstream services (such as a GP or Jobcentre), local community groups or mental-health services.
The Get Set UK team are here to help you on your journey.
Get in touch today on 0808 175 6868 or email rep-eastofengland@getsetuk.co.uk.
I am a business looking to hire skilled refugees
Get Set UK have a pool of skilled and job-ready refugees in the East of England who are eager to contribute to start work.
Here’s why you should consider hiring individuals from within this local talent pool:
- Diverse Skills: Our refugee candidates already have a wide range of skills and expertise.
- Seamless Integration: We will provide comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition, including job-specific language support and cultural understanding.
- Job-Ready: These individuals already have job-specific training and coaching.
- Social Responsibility: By embracing refugee talent, you demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusion, making a positive social impact.
Get in touch today to learn more about how skilled refugees can contribute to your business.
Contact us by emailing rep-eastofengland@getsetuk.co.uk.
I am a Referral Partner looking to place refugees into employment
Get Set UK are a supporting partner ready to help build on your great work with refugees in the East of England.
We recognise the support you provide to refugees to help them rebuild their lives in the UK. Get Set UK are delivering Refugee Eligibility Programme (REP) for the East of England. The REP is designed to complement services already being delivered across mainstream services and the voluntary sector.
Everyday, we work with partners to ensure we are offering high-quality services to those that need it most. We are always looking for new partners to support this disadvantaged group back into work. If you feel you can help signpost eligible refugees, please get in touch.
There are plenty of refugee support service available, so what extra value can Get Set UK add?
Our experienced employer engagement team are continuously in touch with refugee-friendly employers across the East of England. Our expansive network reaches employers, big and small, which gives us a unique position in the marketplace to help eligible individuals gain employment, at a faster rate.
For full eligibility criteria see https://bit.ly/getsetuk.
We welcome partner referrals, drop us an email at rep-eastofengland@getsetuk.co.uk.